The following index lists all the resources (Articles, DIY Workshoops, Training Notes and Health-checks) that have a leadership theme. Most of these will be headed in this way, but some may have another heading with a cross-reference to Leadership in the box at the end.
All are in PDF. Download the Adobe Acrobat Reader if you do not already have it.
Ask to come on my bimonthly e-letter mailing list to inform you of new resources as I add them to the site. This link also gives you access to my data privacy notice.
Click on any title in the list below to go to the item in question.
Each item is copyright © John Truscott but you may download the file and/or print up to 30 copies for non-commercial use within your church or mission agency.
If you make multiple copies, please email me to let me know brief details so that I can monitor use. If you want to make more than 30 copies, or wish to use the item beyond your own church/organisation, I reserve the right to make a charge. Please contact me first in this case.
The role of leaders
Ref | Title |
A12 |
The leader as a shepherd Part 1: Biblical research |
A13 |
The leader as a shepherd Part 2: Practical application |
TN6 | The Minister's role in larger churches |
TN18 | A leadership team checklist |
TN32 | What do you mean by 'vision'? |
TN50 | Should the staff lead the church? |
TN78 | The role of a church leader |
TN87 | What to look for in your leaders |
TN90 | Put someone in charge |
TN101 | Working with a No. 2 |
TN112 | Set my leaders free! |
TN132 | What you look for in your Minister |
TN141 | A church council 'Code of Conduct' |
TN144 | 360-degree reviews for churches? |
Ref | Title |
A19 |
Speaking so that people listen For all leaders and preachers |
A22 |
Job applications in Christian ministry Part A: Preparation |
A23 |
Job applications in Christian ministry Part B: Presentation |
A45 |
How to lead a team at church Practical help for beginners |
TN15 | How not to delegate! |
TN28 | No two leaders are the same |
TN30 | How to give and receive criticism |
TN56 | Questions for preachers |
TN70 | Do's and don'ts for a new leader |
TN94 | Becoming self-aware |
TN120 | Lessons for leaders |
TN127 | Identify your church's groups |
TN142 | Values create a culture |
Ref | Title |
A1 |
Pass or file? How to get excited about filing! |
A25 |
Working from home Boundaries, discipline and space |
A27 |
Reliability in ministry For administrators and leaders |
A36 |
Sorting out your study Part 1: The space in the room |
A37 |
Sorting out your study Part 2: The stuff in the room |
A50 |
The 'To Do Diary' guide How to use this simple tool |
TN7 | Ideas for how to make time for life |
TN11 | Keeping a time log |
TN23 | How to do ‘To Do’ lists |
TN43 | Did Jesus use an iPhone? |
TN54 | Creating space for a Planning Retreat |
TN57 | Clear your clutter! |
TN62 | Know what distracts you |
TN67 | Stress and the Christian worker |
TN84 | How to say 'No' when you should |
TN106 | Talk about taking time 'off' |
TN151 | Loss of leadership passion |
All the above
Ref | Title |
HC4 |
Church Health Review Part 1: Explanation |
HC5 |
Church Health Review Part 2: Questions and tests |
HC6 |
Christian Effectiveness Model Part 1: Explanation |
HC7 |
Christian Effectiveness Model Part 2: Questions and tests |

Your website and the resources on it are a gold mine and a treasure which I expect we shall return to again.
A church trustee in an email - March 2024
Note that quotes throughout this website come from unsolicited sources and are being continually changed to ensure that all have been received within the past 12 months.