The following index lists all the resources (Articles, DIY Workshops, Training Notes and Health-checks) that have a management theme. Most of these will be headed in this way, but some may have another heading with a cross-reference to Management in the box at the end.
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Click on any title in the list below to go to the item in question.
Each item is copyright © John Truscott but you may download the file and/or print up to 30 copies for non-commercial use within your church or mission agency.
If you make multiple copies, please email me to let me know brief details so that I can monitor use. If you want to make more than 30 copies, or wish to use the item beyond your own church/organisation, I reserve the right to make a charge. Please contact me first in this case.
Staff management
see also A45,TN41 and TN49 under Church members as workers
Ref | Title |
A3 |
Salary differentials for Christian staff A case of worldly thinking? |
A6 |
Job descriptions Advice and examples for staff and volunteers |
A8 |
Worker agreements Appropriate paperwork for church use |
A17 |
Staff selection step-by-step From advertisement to interview |
A32 |
Be creative as a line manager How to develop paid staff |
A46 |
Redefining 'management' Three Bible images to consider |
TN17 | Suggested questions for an annual review |
TN20 | Line management in a church staff team |
TN37 | To pay or not to pay? |
TN65 | Sharp interview questions |
TN66 | A daily office for church staff |
TN76 | How to prepare a job reference |
TN80 | Staff salary scales |
TN85 | Preparing a Lone Worker Policy |
TN92 | How genuine are your GORs? |
TN95 | Exit interviews for everyone |
TN101 | Working with a No. 2 |
TN120 | Lessons for leaders |
TN128 | Effective staff meetings |
TN130 | Appoint a 'Staff Action Group' |
TN144 | 360-degree reviews for churches? |
Church members as workers
See also A6, A8, TN17, TN85, TN120 and TN144under 'Staff management'
Ref | Title |
A10 |
An introduction to the art of training Help people learn new skills |
A26 |
The office of Lay Minister Three proposals for change |
A43 |
Every member on active service How to mobilise your church |
A45 |
How to lead a team at church Practical help for beginners |
A47 |
15 principles of volunteering By examining five ministries |
W4 |
How to work with volunteers A DIY training aid |
TN14 | Setting up a Newcomers Team |
TN15 | How not to delegate! |
TN24 | Church members can burn out too |
TN31 | Affirming volunteers |
TN36 | Square pegs in round holes |
TN41 | What makes a group a team |
TN49 | What's going on under the water |
TN55 | So, who should be in the dock? |
TN60 | Administrator types |
TN79 | 'One another' teams |
TN90 | Put someone in charge |
TN94 | Becoming self-aware |
TN100 | Why some offer, why some don't |
TN119 | Group behaviours to beware of |
TN139 | Church workers in teams |
TN148 | Serving in a post-Covid church |
TN153 | How not to manage volunteers! |
The life of church members
Ref | Title |
A31 |
Helping people back to church Basics we often overlook |
A41 |
Going deeper into meetings 2: People issues |
TN10 | What do Christians do between Sundays? |
TN27 | Saying good-bye to church members |
TN30 | How to give and receive criticism |
TN34 | Closing down a church activity |
TN59 | Don't you dare change anything! |
TN83 | The service isn't over yet |
TN86 | Customer care for churches? |
TN95 | Exit interviews for everyone |
TN107 | A church policy on hospitality |
TN109 | A test for your church's welcome |
TN127 | Identify your church's groups |
TN134 | Integrate your newcomers |
TN146 | Be hospitable! |
TN155 | The value of the 'Blob pictures' tool |
All the above
Ref | Title |
HC4 |
Church Health Review Part 1: Explanation |
HC5 |
Church Health Review Part 2: Questions and tests |
HC6 |
Christian Effectiveness Model Part 1: Explanation |
HC7 |
Christian Effectiveness Model Part 2: Questions and tests |

Thank you for all your years of creative and insightful training, which have been such a blessing to the Church.
A Church of England bishop in an email - December 2024