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New DIY training aid on communication

1st December 2022

A third Article in an occasional series of DIY training aids has just been uploaded to this website. This one offers material to enable any church to run an event for staff, leaders and all who communicate in speech, writing or social media.
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Article A54, How to get a message across, dispenses with the word 'communication' and deals instead with 'messages' and 'news'. The event uses a simple model to explain what is happening when we try to put messages or news across. This shows what can distort our messages and how to avoid these.

Messages and news needs to be both 'structured' and 'coloured'. This is especially true when we seek to communicate with those outside the church membership.

This Article can be used as material with exercises and handouts for a group training session, but can also be read as a solo piece giving advice and practical help. As with all materials on the site it can be downloaded or printed out without charge.