Vision statement
My vision is to see an effective Church, one that
- puts Christ first
- focuses on its purpose
- makes wise choices
- does things well.
This is a four-part definition of what it means to be an effective church on a global and a local scale.
This means I pray for
- A proper recognition of God’s organisational gifts at national and local church levels, in mission agencies and in Christian education.
- The deployment of gifted, passionate and creative organisers to release leaders and support the Church’s ministry.
This is my big-picture dream for the future.
Prayer for each item of output
In each item I write the vision works out as a prayer that readers:
- will have a new sense of what it means to be a disciple of Christ, with a renewed enthusiasm for following him and growing in their faith
- will become significantly more effective in practical service, whether they are leaders or followers, staff or volunteers, solo workers or team members.

Thank you for your sterling work over many (many!) years in support of churches and their leadership and admin teams.
A former Director of Operations in a large church - November 2024