Welcome!Services − Assignments


These examples give a flavour of the kind of church consultancy assignments carried out during 2023/2024. Time involvement can range from less than one day to ten or more spread over some months. 

I advise a wide range of denominations including Church of England, other Anglican churches, Baptist, Methodist, Presbyterian, independent and new churches, etc.


  • Various independent, external assessments of leadership and church operations, communication, resourcing and structures for (on the whole) larger churches.
  • Advice on issues of strategy and governance, often in a growing church where structures or plant no longer provide sufficient support or resource.
  • Reviews of major diocesan projects and departments reporting at senior staff or board level.


One-to-one work consultancy

  • The offer of an external perspective to Ministers on their present or future ministries, diary planning, email management, etc.
  • 'Black bin sack days', seeking to sort out clergy desks and studies and provide input on principles for how to keep desk and floor clear in future.
  • Advice to individual Ministers preparing for interview for new posts, appointing and working with staff, and other operational issues.
creative organisation for effective christian ministry


I have found the sessions incredibly helpful.

A Minister in an email at the conclusion of a series of three work consultancy meetings - June 2024


Spoken or written quotes throughout this website come from unsolicited sources and are being continually changed to ensure that all have been received within the past 12 months.

Compare the cartoons at the top of the Advice and Assignments pages to get the message.