Welcome! − What's new

What's new

Over the past 12 months

Additions and changes to this church administration and church operations website.

The whole site has been restructured and rewritten in February 2025 to take account of my retirement from client work. The focus is now on the over 200 resources available and pages relating to client work have been deleted.

As part of this a new category of resource has been introduced: DIY Workshops. This has entailed renumbering Articles A50, A51, A53, A55 & A56 and moving A49, A52, A54 and A57 to the new section. Apologies for any confusion.

But there have been other regular changes too such as:

New resources: W4 on the DIY Workshops index page, TN151-157 on the Training Notes index page, and many of the other items updated with significant new material for several.

New issues of Resources e-letter (24:3-5, 25:1,2) added to the Resources e-letter page.

Plus a range of smaller updates on several pages most weeks.

Last updated 28th February 2025

Micki Hounslow's cartoons

Micki has been drawing cartoons for me since about 1980 (we were both very young then....). The six primary page cartoons form one set (rumoured to bear some resemblance to me), the six categories in the Themes section another set.

To see the detail, hover your mouse over the top right hand cartoon on each page and it will enlarge.

I hope you find this site attractive, user-friendly, interactive and useful. I'd value your comments, positive and negative, so please finish your tour with a visit to the Contact section. And bookmark the site too.

creative organisation for effective christian ministry
What's new

Trivial quiz
How many 'live' mice can you find in the cartoons on this website?

Be warned: the site is seriously infested with well over 250 on the public pages.

So if you have younger members of your family who enjoy a challenge, or if you cannot sleep tonight...

Micki Hounslow