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Resources e-letters

These are bimonthly emails sent to those who have asked to come on to the mailing list. They announce the arrival of new items in the main Resources pages of this website where there are now over 200 different Articles, sets of Training Notes and Health-checks, all available without charge.

Click on the red heading to read the full e-letter. To come on to the mailing list to receive these as they are published, see the Contact John page in this section.

Resources e-letter 24:3 - June 2024

This month we give details of a new set of Training Notes about the 'Blob pictures' tool and show that all 220 items are regularly updated so that they are all current.
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Resources e-letter 24:2 - April 2024

Here are details of two more new sets of Training Notes. TN153 covers the management of church volunteers and TN154 gives some new and creative ideas for leading church prayer sessions. There is also a listing of all resources on the website on the theme of leadership service.
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Resources e-letter 24:1 - February 2024

This issue has synopses of the latest two sets of Training Notes, TN151, Loss of leadership passion, and TN152, Should a church set 'targets'? These are followed by a listing of all resources dealing with principles of administration.
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Resources e-letter 23:6 - December 2023

In this issue there is news of two new sets of Training Notes just uploaded to the Resources section of the website, and a listing of all resources on the site on a structures/staffing theme.
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Resources e-letter 23:5 - October 2023

News in this issue of a new Article on care structures within a church plus a reminder of all the resources on the website and how they are indexed to aid finding what you need.
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Resources e-letter 23:4 - August 2023

News of two new sets of Training Notes this time covering PCCs (for Church of England churches) and practical service in your church.  Also a reminder of the new address and landline number, plus preliminary information about my own future plans.
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Resources e-letter 23:3 - June 2023

This issue has news of a new Article on document management for churches. It also includes my new address, having just moved home and office, and a listing of all new resources during 2022 and 2023.
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Resources e-letter 23:2 - April 2023

News in this issue of two more sets of Training Notes covering sermon or talk illustrations and an introduction to the biblical theme of hospitality with 15 ideas for how to put it into practice. There is then a listing of all new uploads over the past 18 months.
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Resources e-letter 23:1 - February 2023

In this issue there is news of two new sets of Training Notes just uploaded to the Resources section of the website. One covers IT and other scams that can afflict churches among others. The other investigates 360-degree reviews to see if these are suitable for church use. There is also a listing of the different sets of index on the site.
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Resources e-letter 22:6 - December 2022

There is news in this e-letter of the third of my sets of DIY training aids in Article format and just uploaded. The one enables any church to run an event on how to communicate well - or you can use it as solo advice. It comes with a range of practical exercises and hand-out sheets for participants. In this e-letter there is also a listing of other items on the website relating to principles of communication.
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creative organisation for effective christian ministry


The review is so articulate, well written and well argued, John. Thank you.

Email from a consultancy project officer - June 2024