There are a number of ways in which you can respond to what you find on the site or discover when new resources become available.
- The Resources e-letters page shows the information about the Resources section of the website sent to all on this particular mailing list.
The Contact John page provides a response form to enable you to come on to my resources mailing list or to ask me any question about my printed output. You can also view my Privacy Policy from this page.
Resource comments
But there are other ways to respond too. I welcome comments and feedback on each of the 200+ items in the Resources section of this website and update each item in the light of these. Email me any thoughts on any of these items.
Personal contact
And of course you may instead email, phone or write to me using the contact details at the top of every page and repeated here:
Telephone: 01727 568325
24 High Grove, St Albans AL3 5SU

Hover your mouse over the cartoon at the top of each page for an enlarged image. To see the cartoonist, try the 'What's new' page in the Welcome section.
You are amazing; thank you so much for creating a treasure trove of resources.
A member of John's mailing list in an email - October 2024
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Click the menu option 'Privacy and cookies' right at the bottom of any page to see how this site uses cookies and the options open to you.