Welcome!Administrators − Distance learning

Distance learning

I lead the tutor team for the UCAN distance learning course for Church Administrators. The academic provider is Cliff College. You register for the course on the UCAN website but read on before you do that.

You may like to read the Course Handbook which gives details of content, who the course is designed for, assessed assignments, and much more.  Download it here:

To register for the course now, click this link for the UCAN application form. But note that you now start the course at three distinct points during the year: January, April or September. You are then in a cohort of students all starting at the same time. You can of course join prior to these months but we then hold your application and register you at the next start date.


The work of a Church Administrator

A ten-unit distance learning course leading to an award.

A nationally recognised course of study prepared for Christians employed by a local church as a Church Administrator in some form.

This course has been prepared to offer a rigorous but highly practical foundation in the subject of office-based local church administration in the UK.

Students who complete the course will have a qualification that shows their church, and any future churches they move to, that they understand and can apply principles of organisational management within a theological understanding of a local church context.

For further details see the Course Handbook web-linked above.


Who should undertake this course?
It has been prepared for local church Administrators, most of whom will work in a church office, or those who wish to take up a post of this kind. Many will be employed by their church part-time though some will be in full time employment. It assumes a reasonable level of organisational skill and Bible knowledge. It has not been designed for posts at a more senior level such as Operations Managers although all the material would still be relevant for them. UCAN also runs a course entitled 'Managing church well' which is accredited by the Institute of Leadership and Management and aimed at UCAN senior manager members.

Do I need to be a member of UCAN?
You do not need to be a member of the UK Church Administrators Network to undertake this course but if you are employed as a local church Administrator it will be to your advantage to join if you are not already in membership. Course fees are discounted for UCAN members. Here is their website.

What does the course involve?
This is a ten unit module which can be taken in your own time at your own pace. Each unit takes one topic of relevance to working for a church as an Administrator and provides

  1. a study section with vital input relating to your work or the church office plus some exercises to complete;
  2. recommendations for background reading in both secular and church-based spheres – in particular you will be expected to follow one standard NVQ textbook;
  3. a range of personal applications: Bible study, meditations, practical exercises, visits, working with a mentor.

Do I have to submit essays for marking?
There are, in addition to the ten units, three written assignments to be submitted to demonstrate that you are understanding the study material and able to apply it to your work. One consists of a self-reflection on your role as an enabler of others in their ministry, there is a main essay to compare and contrast commercial office management with church administrative practices, and the third consists of a write-up of a practical assignment based on visits to two churches other than your own.

What sort of topics are covered?
The ten units cover the possible roles of a Church Administrator, building people-skills, running a church office, being well organised, working with others, communicating well, designing systems, handling files and personal development. One unit focuses on relevant biblical material.

How much time do I need to set aside?
Each unit is expected to take you at least 12 hours in study, background reading and personal application, but it is up to you how much more you give to particular topics. So think in terms, perhaps, of completing the course plus written assignments in one year giving five hours a week to it with holiday breaks. We expect you to complete within 15 months. For those employed by their church, we hope that you will be allowed to undertake some of the material within work time (though not in the church office with all its interruptions!).

What time of year do I need to start work?
From 2024 onwards, we are trialling three start points of January, April and September.

What level is it pitched at?
The basic textbook that you will be asked to study as part of the module is at NVQ Level 3 and the study material has been pitched at about this same level.

Is it just for Anglicans?
Not at all – the material does not assume a single denominational base and so does not go into detail on issues that might affect one denomination rather than others, such as graveyard administration, faculty applications, etc. One of the units gives scope for exploration within areas of special relevance to your own church or denomination.

Will I be able to cope?
The material does not assume any tertiary education qualifications but to complete the course you will need determination and discipline to set aside the time for study, reading and note-taking. But if you already work as a Church Administrator you should find real excitement in learning more about the kind of issues that you deal with day to day.
Will I be on my own?
Your tutor will be available throughout the module. You might also decide to take the course at the same time as another local Administrator so you can share your experiences. With the new system of termly start dates you will be ina cohort of others and can link with them through WhatsApp and other means.

What are the aims of the course?
We have three clear aims.

  1. To enable you come to a clear understanding of the role, opportunities and challenges of this understated subject.
  2. To help you improve your business capability and performance in a number of skill areas relevant to your work.
  3. To encourage you to develop a creative mind in devising systems and solving problems within your work.

But we also have a wider vision of setting a standard of achievement for UK Church Administrators that will be widely recognised, and seeing such work become accepted as a discipline worthy of analysis and study.

Why should I bother?
Because as a result of completing these ten units you can expect to

  1. Be energised and encouraged in your work.
  2. Be better equipped to fulfil your responsibilities in a professional way.
  3. Understand your work as Christian service not just daily employment.
  4. Be enabled to work collaboratively with church leaders to free them for their ministry.

What’s the cost?
The course costs £375 with a 15% discount for UCAN members. This includes registration, course materials, the marking of the three projects you submit and the involvement of a tutor throughout. In addition you will need to purchase a copy of the course textbook at about £35. We very much hope that your church will pay for you to take the course as they will receive the benefit of all that it gives. UCAN maintains a small bursary fund to help support individual post-holders or churches who do not have resources to pay the fee in full.

Can I talk it over with you and ask questions?
Of course. If you want to discuss the content before coming to a decision, contact the author of the material, John Truscott, on john@john-truscott.co.uk.

So how do I apply?
Click this link to be taken to the relevant UCAN page.

What do students say?

The UCAN course was both stimulating and beneficial. It enabled me to look deeper into the role of being a Church Administrator, especially from a theological perspective.

It is designed to use the skill-set that you already have whilst providing the tools you need to work smarter and more efficiently. I felt a real sense of achievement when I passed.

Nina McMahon
Church Administrator, St John's, Ealing

I found the course extremely helpful: I had been a teacher for over 30 years and had no experience of working in an office environment. However, the course helped me to apply the experience I had previously gained in teaching to my new role as Church Administrator. I also developed new skills and my confidence increased.

Patricia Prescott
Administrator, The United Parish of Chinnor, Sydenham, Aston Rowant and Crowell

UCAN, 27 Old Gloucester Street, London WC1N 3AX

0300 302 1887   info@churchadministrators.net

creative organisation for effective christian ministry


The (distance learning) course was both stimulating and beneficial. It enabled me to look deeper into the role of being a Church Administrator, especially from a theological perspective…. I felt a real sense of achievement when I passed.

A student on completing the course - December 2023