The following index lists all the resources (Articles, DIY Workshops, Training Notes and Health-checks) that have an administration theme. Most of these will be headed in this way, but some may have another heading with a cross-reference to Administration in the box at the end.
All are in PDF. Download the Adobe Acrobat Reader if you do not already have it.
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Click on any title in the list below to go to the item in question.
Each item is copyright © John Truscott but you may download the file and/or print up to 30 copies for non-commercial use within your church or mission agency.
If you make multiple copies, please email me to let me know brief details so that I can monitor use. If you want to make more than 30 copies, or wish to use the item beyond your own church/organisation, I reserve the right to make a charge. Please contact me first in this case.
Principles of administration
Ref | Title |
A15 |
Christian administration? A theological introduction |
A27 |
Reliability in ministry For administrators and leaders |
A46 |
Redefining 'management' Three Bible images to consider |
HC8 |
A Gift Assessment for Administrators 1: Introduction |
HC9 |
A Gift Assessment for Administrators 2: Questions and tests |
TN4 | Advice for all church administrators |
TN21 | Ideas for a sermon on administration |
TN72 | Church administration explained: part 1 |
TN73 | Church administration explained: part 2 |
TN111 | A church policies checklist |
TN115 | Identifying gifts of administration |
TN129 | Collecting data for mission |
TN138 | Categories for church operations |
Offices and Administrators
Ref | Title |
A33 |
Roles for a church office Part 1: Three perspectives |
A34 |
Roles for a church office Part 2: Three more perspectives |
A38 |
Appointing an Operations Manager Or reviewing an post |
A42 |
What do Church Administrators do? Defining roles |
A51 |
The UCAN story Networking Church Administrators: 1981 - 2017 |
A52 |
The management of church records A broad overview |
TN26 | A checklist for an office move |
TN40 | Appointing an Administrator |
TN60 | Administrator types |
TN68 | Administrators who miss the point |
TN77 | Administrator wisdom |
TN86 | Customer care for churches? |
TN102 | People who visit the church office |
TN112 | Set my leaders free! |
TN126 | The small-church administrator |
TN131 | Helpful handover documents |
TN156 | Preparing a house-style guide |
IT and personal administration
Ref | Title |
A1 |
Pass or file? How to get excited about filing! |
A11 |
Become a better emailer ...and make everyone happy |
A14 |
Create a quality website asking the right questions |
A25 |
Working from home Boundaries, discipline and space |
A36 |
Sorting out your study Part 1: The space in the room |
A37 |
Sorting out your study Part 2: The stuff in the room |
A50 |
The 'To Do Diary' guide How to use this simple tool |
TN23 | How to do 'To Do' lists |
TN46 | A beginner's guide to IT security |
TN53 | A simple email filing system |
TN57 | Clear your clutter! |
TN143 | Protect your church from scams |
TN149 | Keep all your seniors in touch |
Administering buildings and finance
Ref | Title |
A7 |
Understanding stewardship A basis for Christian teaching |
A16 |
Funding a capital project direct giving |
A18 |
Administering church funds A call for a fresh approach |
A28 |
Rooms to let Hiring out your church premises |
A31 |
Helping people back to church Basics we often overlook |
TN19 | Key words for a financial appeal |
TN29 | What's your real church income? |
TN33 | Danger at church! |
TN44 | The message of your buildings |
TN85 | Preparing a Lone Worker Policy |
TN98 | An outline Church Financial Policy |
TN108 | What do budgets actually tell us? |
TN116 | Global mission giving |
TN117 | Building project preparations |
TN122 | Your eco-church check-up |
TN135 | How to conduct a disability audit |
All the above
Ref | Title |
HC4 |
Church Health Review Part 1: Explanation |
HC5 |
Church Health Review Part 2: Questions and tests |
HC6 |
Christian Effectiveness Model Part 1: Explanation |
HC7 |
Christian Effectiveness Model Part 2: Questions and tests |

I stumbled across your website and found the A38 guide very helpful, thank you! I was very impressed by the breadth and depth of your expertise across the whole site.
Email from a church trustee - March 2024.