The following list shows six themes of church operations that I write within with examples of topics within each theme. You may find this section of the website helps you find what you are looking for in my collection of resources.
- Work and time management
- Deskwork and email administration
- Life and stress management
- Working from home
- Reliability within a staff or leadership team
- Group dynamics
- Team leadership and development
- Team training
- Volunteers / every-member ministry
- Line management and staff selection
- Welcome at church services
- Board membership
- Church leadership teams
- Mission-shaped Church Councils
- Chairing Christian business meetings
- Committee training
- Assessing church health
- Developing purpose, vision, values
- The planning process: vision to action
- Change management
- Acting as a mission enabler
- Communication for speakers
- Communication in print, email, web
- Coverage in the local media
- Leading intercessions in church services
- Reading lessons in church services
- The art of training
- Introduction to church administration
- Running a church office
- Operations Manager support
- Working with a Church Administrator
- Christian stewardship / church finance
- Reliability in ministry
- Hiring out church rooms
Topics of a more specialised nature
- Staff or clergy appraisal
- Clergy and laity partnerships
- Transformation to mission mode
- Minister vacancies
- Reliability in ministry
- Running the Church Health Review
- Running the Christian Effectiveness Model

I am sure there must be countless churches and individuals who, over the years, have benefited hugely from your wise counsel.
A national church leader in an email - October 2024
Hover your mouse over the cartoon at the top of each page for an enlarged image.
To see the cartoonist, try the What's new page in the Welcome section.