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This page includes news items from the past 12 months and an archive of earlier items. Click/tap on any red heading to see the full news item.

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St Thomas', Wilbury

Materials for 27th January 2024

Here is the pdf for the notes for Saturday's training session on being a mission-shaped PCC.

Kensington Area IME2

15th January 2024

Here are the notes for Monday's session on self-management.

New topics: caring for your seniors and prayer at business meetings

4th December 2023

Two new sets of Training Notes have just been added to the Resources section of this website. TN149, Keep all your seniors in touch, looks at how we might care for those who are not into tech, mostly but not wholly among the seniors in our churches. TN150, Prayer at church business meetings, covers exactly what the title says.
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Edmonton Area IME2

14th November 2023

Here are the notes for Tuesday's session on working with volunteers in churches.

Dundonald Presbyterian Church

Materials for 21st October 2023

Here is the pdf for the notes for Saturday's training session on being a welcoming church.

Isle of Wight

10th October 2023

Here are the notes for today's session on church administration on the Isle of Wight.

Even pastoral care needs to be organised

4th October 2023

A new article has been uploaded to the website this week. A56, Organising pastoral care ... in an all-member culture, tackles a rarely-addressed issue: how to structure care in a church when you assume it is everyone's responsibility.
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How to mobilise your church

14th August 2023

One of my new uploads for August 2023 tackles an issue many churches are currently facing: how to find 'volunteers' in a world after lockdown.
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Diocese of Blackburn

Materials for 14th and 15th July 2023

Here are the pdfs for the clergy event on Friday (originally planned for September 2022) and the PCC event on Saturday.

Diocese of St Albans IME2 day

Materials for 8th July 2023

Here is the handbook in pdf which I shall be using on Saturday.

creative organisation for effective christian ministry

New items are added to the Resources section of the site every other month.
For shorter nuggets, follow John on Twitter (see icon near top right-hand corner of each page). If you do not have a Twitter account simply keep using this link on a regular basis to see all John's tweets. He adds several new ones each week.



I find your information and resources thought-provoking, uplifting and of course challenging!

A Lay Minister in an email - February 2024