Welcome!News − Earlier news items

Earlier news items

John's archive of older news items. Click/tap on any red heading to see the full item.

Administrators pray to impact the UK Church

28th October 2014

One year ago I set up a small group of people who have a passion for church administration that reaches beyond their own church and role they may have there. We share details of our current roles and dreams for what God's gifts of administration might do for his Church and pray for each other.

Four Area Training Days for Administrators completed

16th October 2014

Over the past two weeks I have led four Area Training Days for Church Administrators in Ware, Coventry, Woking and Nottingham. Over 170 have attended and been introduced to the concept of customer care appropriate for a church office setting.

Church Health Review given a make-over

26th September 2014

The Church Health Review, items HC4 & HC5 on the Health-checks page of this website, has been extensively rewritten over the summer and has today been uploaded in its new form.

Associate Consultants scheme sees increasing demand

17th September 2014

I launched my Associate Consultants scheme last autumn and it is now seeing increasing demand. The scheme enables churches to be helped when my diary prevents me from fitting in extra assignments or in areas outside my expertise.

Major new resource on church offices now available

8th August 2014

A two-part article entitled Roles for a church office was uploaded to the site today.

New website now live!

23rd July 2014

This new website went live today after months of planning, design work and development. The aim has been to produce a contemporary website with enhanced features that is fully accessible by tablet and smartphone.

New website to launch shortly

7th July 2014

A new and completely responsive version of this website is due to launch shortly.

The new site will have a fresh look to it while maintaining some of the best features of this website. The Administrators section will have a new UCAN image and there will be a number of other new and improved features.

Screen technology under investigation

1st June 2014

A new set of Training Notes has been uploaded to the website.  Print or screen? (TN82) acknowledges the move in many churches to screen technology but then lists ten 'screen snags' to show that this is not all advantage.

New developments in the Resources section

2nd May 2014

Work is currently underway to improve the Resources section of this website. There are now 118 items for free downloading or printing and three changes will be effected at the end of June.

Advice on church salaries published today

10th April 2014

Church salary scales is the title of a new set of Training Notes uploaded to the Resources section of the website today. It gives ten sets of questions Trustees and Staff Pay Groups should ask when seeking to design a fair set of salaries for any church or mission with a staff team.

creative organisation for effective christian ministry