Welcome!News − Earlier news items

Earlier news items

John's archive of older news items. Click/tap on any red heading to see the full item.

UCAN Administrator & Network Co-ordinator interviews

5th July 2017

Tomorrow is the closing date for applications for the new post of Administrator & Network Co-ordinator for the UK Church Administrator Network. Once this position is filled I can then hand over the day-to-day running of UCAN.
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New double-article on effective meetings

14th June 2017

A new double-article giving six innovative ideas for effective church business meetings has just been uploaded to the Resources section of the website.
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Area Training Days praised

23rd May 2017

A new series of Church Administrator Area Training Days was launched in May with events in Birmingham and Guildford. Feedback forms show widespread appreciation for a day themed on 'Administration: biblical and creative'.
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Training Notes reach their century!

20th April 2017

There are now 100 sets of Training Notes on the website in addition to the 39 Articles and the sets of Health-checks. The century was passed this month with TN100, Why some offer, why some don't. All 100 can be accessed on the Training Notes page of the website.
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New Training Notes on social media guidelines

10th April 2017

Latest items uploaded to the Training Notes page of the Resources section include sample guidelines for churches' use of social media and other digital communication. TN99 has been written to help those churches just starting to use social media and for others requiring help with setting up user guidelines.
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Cutting Edge recordings and outputs now on this site

1st April 2017

Audio recordings of the main speaker sessions at last week's Cutting Edge conference for senior-managers and other UCAN members have now been added to the UCAN recordings page of this website.
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Cutting Edge conference completely full

7th March 2017

The Cutting Edge conference from 20th to 22nd March for senior-manager Church Administrators is now completely full with a waiting list. This is the largest number we have ever had to a residential conference.
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A detailed template for a Church Communiations Plan uploaded today

13th February 2017

A major new article has been uploaded to the Resources section of the website today. A39, A plan for your communications, can be found on the Articles page.
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Outline for a composite Church Financial Policy published

8th December 2016

Just uploaded to the site today is a particularly innovative set of Training Notes. These provide an outline for an overall Church Financial Policy covering a wide range of areas.
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New resources for Church Administrators

8th November 2016

The latest UCAN News Update has just been uploaded to the UCAN news page of the website. This is restricted to members of UCAN who need to log in.
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creative organisation for effective christian ministry