Welcome!ResourcesArticles index − A13 The leader as a shepherd


Part 2: Practical application

First published on this website in January 2006 and last updated in August 2023

Words: 4300
Size: 186 kB
Themes: Leadership


The second of two articles (with A12) which categorise the biblical references to shepherd and related terms to understand what this image contributes to current thinking about church leadership. This part takes ten principles for leadership from the shepherd image.

  1. People need leadership
  2. Christian leadership is delegated from God
  3. Leadership carries a heavy responsibility
  4. Christian leadership means identifying with those being led
  5. Christian leadership involves a personal relationship with those being led
  6. Christian leadership concerns service not status
  7. Four key roles of the leader: Teaching
  8. Four key roles of the leader: Protecting
  9. Four key roles of the leader: Uniting
  10. Four key roles of the leader: Tending the needy

See also Part 1


Here is the link to this item: PDF A13 - The leader as a shepherd 2.pdf

Author's notes

This article was updated in August 2023 with some minor amendments to the layout.