Welcome!ResourcesTraining Notes index − TN66 A daily office for church staff


First published on this website in April 2012 and last updated in March 2024

Words: 1400
Size: 147 kB
Themes: Management , Structures


Larger churches are used to the idea of all the staff working out of one base rather than from individual homes. These notes suggest that many other churches might consider something similar, provided there is suitable accommodation available.

Advantages include

  • improving home life
  • team working
  • shared facilities
  • safety
  • accountability.

Against these have to be noted the snags of

  • finding suitable plant
  • changing to a different way of working
  • the roaming style of ministry of many church staff
  • the danger of developing a power base
  • constant interruption.

But the key is what is termed the ‘water-cooler concept’, the idea that staff who work together will be bumping into each other regularly and so sharing ideas and keeping in step with each other. The shared office is not the answer to everything but it is an idea to consider seriously.


Here is the link to this item: PDF TN66 - A daily office for church staff.pdf

Author's notes

These notes were updated in March 2024 with minor amendments to the text and layout.