First published on this website in April 2002 and last updated in September 2024
Here is a lighthearted quiz to see if you know which national daily and Sunday newspapers sell the most copies. The eight most popular dailies and Sundays are chosen (with figures for January 2022 and 2024). Some results may be what you expect but there are surprises too.
This is followed by a challenge to analyse what kind of writing style and stories our church publications are telling, and to determine which of the national newspapers we come closest to.
Even if we are uneasy about what some newspapers say and the means they employ to discover their stories, there is still much to learn from how the professionals go about their work of communication.
How closely do these circulation lists match the reading habits of your church's congregation?
Here is the link to this item:
TN9 - Which newspapers do people read.pdf
Author's notes
These notes have been revised in September 2024 for current figures that are known and an explanation on ABC figures that are no longer given.