First published on this website in June 2018 and last updated in June 2024
These Training Notes set out the proper place of a church budget. They show that a budget puts across:
- an outworking of the church’s purpose and plan;
- a statement of the church’s vision and faith;
- a practical demonstration of the church’s values;
- an assurance of wise stewardship;
- a measure of spiritual health.
This is followed by a section of four variations in budget construction.
- The number of budget holders and the level of empowerment
- The number of budget heads and the possibility of confusion
- The limits on spending and the frustration of safety
- The proportion that is fixed and the freedom for adjustment.
There are also questions for discussion. These notes are for leadership teams, not just the Treasurer, to demonstrate the importance of a church budget and its use in decision-making.
Here is the link to this item:
TN108 - What do budgets actually tell us.pdf
Author's notes
These notes were updated in June 2024 with minor amendments to the text and layout.