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Earlier news items

John's archive of older news items. Click/tap on any red heading to see the full item.

Kensington Area POT group

Material for 11th October 2021

Here are the notes in pdf for today's training for Year 2 Curates in the Kensington Area of London Diocese. You are  welcome to view, print or download them.

Do you have gifts of administration?

13th September 2021

This website offers a detailed tool to assess anyone's administrative gifts, and a cut-down version for a quick check-up.
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Practical help on succession planning

3rd August 2021

Just uploaded: new Training Notes, Planning the next step, offers practical advice on succession planning in a range of applications. These include when volunteers resign, when staff members move on and when a major church event comes to an end.
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St Albans Diocese IME2 day

Material for 10th July 2021

If you would like the material for today's event on screen rather than on paper, here is the file for you to access or download.

We are looking at how you can organise yourself in ministry, whether as a Curate or Reader, with a focus on stress management. In the morning we examine the big picture of your ministry, then discuss stress issues. In the afternoon I will give you some practical tools for self-organisation and stress reduction.

Here is the file:

Church Administrators in Edmonton Area of London Diocese

Material for 23rd June 2021

I am looking forward to working by Zoom with Church Administrators and Operations staff in the Edmonton Area of London Diocese. You have a vital, creative role to play in your church, and work at the heart of its spirituality (though you won't hear that view from many people!).

In my short session with you I want to prepare us all for the lifting of Covid restrictions (said in hope!) by looking at how we work with people who visit the church office, whether in person, by phone, from the website, or through social media. I'll base it on Training Notes TN102 in the Resources section of this website but give you a direct link below.

What you look for in your Minister

2nd June 2021

Just uploaded for June is a set of ten features that fair, perceptive, generous church members tell me they delight or long to see in their Minister.
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Church trustees are responsible for the staff they employ

2nd April 2021

'Many church Trustees fail to appreciate the responsibility they carry for the selection, employment and management of their staff.' This situation is addressed in Training Notes TN130, Appoint a 'Staff Action Group', just uploaded to this website.
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New training aid for all lesson readers

1st February 2021

Published in the Resources section of the website today is a new training aid for all who read the Bible to the congregation in church services. Article A49, How to read the Bible out loud, enables any church to run its own training session. Sixteen hand-out sheets are also provided for participants.
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Advice for church staff meetings published

1st December 2020

One of the two new sets of Training Notes uploaded yesterday offers advice on how to conduct church staff meetings. Many staff members are frustrated at how these meetings are run and the Notes provide a case study to demonstrate some of the common problems.
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Diocese of Portsmouth Minister/Administrator event

Material for 17th November 2020

Here is the handbook for the event next Tuesday. We shall work through these pages in our two morning sessions. The second file has notes to explain how the Zoom breakout rooms will work.

creative organisation for effective christian ministry