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Resources e-letters

These are bimonthly emails sent to those who have asked to come on to the mailing list. They announce the arrival of new items in the main Resources pages of this website where there are now over 200 different Articles, sets of Training Notes and Health-checks, all available without charge.

Click on the red heading to read the full e-letter. To come on to the mailing list to receive these as they are published, see the Contact John page in this section.

Resources e-letter 19:4 - August 2019

Information, this time, about two new sets of Training Notes just uploaded. They are TN116, Global mission giving, and TN117, Building project preparations. This is followed by a listing of all resources relating to speaking and presentations.
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Resources e-letter 19:3 - June 2019

Details in this mailing of the latest Article to be added to the website. A45, How to lead a team at church, gives advice for beginners in team leadership. This is followed by a listing of all Training Notes uploaded during the past 12 months.
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Resources e-letter 19:2 - April 2019

This month we have a new, detailed Health-check in two parts: A Gift Assessment for Administrators is at HC8 (Introduction) and HC9 (Questions and tests). This is designed for individual use to check out whether you have administrative gifts. There is also a set of Training Notes giving a much simpler version of this tool for more general church use: TN115, Identifying gifts of administration.
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Resources e-letter 19:1 - February 2019

There are two new sets of Training Notes just uploaded: TN113, What to avoid on your website, and TN114, How to prepare a church profile. There is also news on the development of the new Topics index page and a plea for help in promoting this site. 
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Resources e-letter 18:6 - December 2018

There are two new sets of Training Notes just uploaded: TN111, A church policies checklist, and TN112, Set my leaders free! There is also news on the development of the new Topics index page. 
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Resources e-letter 18:5 - October 2018

Article A44. Getting things done - project management for churches, has just been uploaded. There is also a new page on the website, Topics index, which lists a range of key words with links to all relevant items in the Resources section.
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Resources e-letter 18:4 - August 2018

The new e-letter provides an outline of TN109, A test for your church's welcome, and TN110, It's confidential: but it still leaks out. There is also a listing of all website items relating to Sunday worship services.
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Resources e-letter 18:3 - June 2018

E-letter 18:3 gives outline details of two new sets of Training Notes just uploaded to the website: Training Notes TN107, A church policy on hospitality, and TN108, What do budgets actually tell us? There is also a listing of other resources on these two themes.
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Resources e-letter 18:2 - April 2018

This e-letter announces the arrival of Article A43, Every member on active service - how to mobilise your church. It then lists a range of other existing resources on themes within this overall topic. There is also news of forthcoming events for Administrators and a reminder about GDPR.
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Resources e-letter 18:1 - February 2018

The first Resources e-letter of 2018 gives an outline of two new sets of Training Notes just added to the Resources section of the website. TN105 gives practical advice on preparing a voicemail message or 'out-of-office' email. TN106 encourages Ministers and lay leaders to discuss how the Sabbath principle of time off work can be applied in their different cases.
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creative organisation for effective christian ministry


The review is so articulate, well written and well argued, John. Thank you.

Email from a consultancy project officer - June 2024