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Resources e-letters

These are occasional emails sent to those who have asked to come on to the mailing list. They announce the arrival of new items in the main Resources pages of this website where there are now over 200 different Articles, sets of Training Notes, DIY Workshops and Health-checks, all available without charge.

Click on the red heading to read the full e-letter. To come on to the mailing list to receive these as they are published, see the Contact John page in this section.

Resources e-letter 15:2 - April 2015

A new article has been uploaded to the website, A35, Mapping your church - Practical planning tools, and there is a last-minute call for the London Church Administrators training day on 22nd April.

Resources e-letter 15:1 - February 2015

Another new set of Training Notes have been uploaded to the site. There is news of Training Notes TN85, Preparing a Lone Worker Policy. This is followed by details of forthcoming events for Church Administrators and a summary of resources on the website on selecting, managing and applying for staff posts.

Resources e-letter 14:6 - December 2014

A new set of Training Notes has been added to the website. There is an outline of TN84, How to say 'No' when you should, which has a range of applications, plus Christmas greetings.

Resources e-letter 14:5 - October 2014

This issue announces news of an extensively rewritten Church Health Review on the Health-checks page of the website. There is a reminder about the new website and two Twitter feeds.

Resources e-letter 14:4 - August 2014

A new article in two parts has been uploaded to the website, Roles for a church office.  There is also news of the new website which launched on 23rd July, of UCAN membership which has just passed the 1,000 mark, and reminders about autumn events.

Resources e-letter 14:3 - June 2014

There are now two more sets of Training Notes on the website with the arrival of TN82, Print or screen? and TN83, The service isn't over yet. There is also news of booking for five autumn Area Training Days for Administrators and the IT training day at Leeds in September.

Resources e-letter 14:2 - April 2014

Two more sets of Training Notes have today been added to the website: TN80, Staff salary scales and TN81, Changing the sceneryThere are also several news items.

Resources e-letter 14:1 - February 2014

A major new Article has just been uploaded to the website. A32, Be creative as a line manager has been written in an effort to improve standards of staff line management in churches. There is also news of the St John's College Nottingham / UK Church Administrator Network distance learning module on 'the work of a Church Administrator' which was launched a week ago.

Resources e-letter 13:6 - December 2013

Two more sets of Training Notes have today been added to the website: TN78, The role of a church leader and TN79, 'One another' teamsThere is also a reminder about another set of notes already on the site which tell you how not to write your Christmas round robin.

Resources e-letter 13:5 - October 2013

There are two new sets of Training Notes on the site now: TN76, How to prepare a job reference, and TN77, Administrator wisdom. Also included in the e-letter is news of a new network of those with a passion for administration.

creative organisation for effective christian ministry


The review is so articulate, well written and well argued, John. Thank you.

Email from a consultancy project officer - June 2024