Resources e-letters
These are occasional emails sent to those who have asked to come on to the mailing list. They announce the arrival of new items in the main Resources pages of this website where there are now over 200 different Articles, sets of Training Notes, DIY Workshops and Health-checks, all available without charge.
Click on the red heading to read the full e-letter. To come on to the mailing list to receive these as they are published, see the Contact John page in this section.
Resources e-letter 16:6 - December 2016
There are outlines here of the latest sets of Training Notes to be uploaded. TN97, How to minute a meeting, and TN98, An outline Church Financial Policy, plus news of a site development to make it more secure.
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Resources e-letter 16:5 - October 2016
In this issue there is news of two new sets of Training Notes covering exit interviews and the idea of courtesy in churches, plus news of the next UCAN Cutting Edge conference and Area Training Day.
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Resources e-letter 16:4 - August 2016
Here is news of a major new Article A38, Appointing an Operations Manager - or reviewing an existing post, and a listing of other items on the website relevant to staff employment.
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Resources e-letter 16:3 - June 2016
In this issue there are details of the new Training Notes TN94, Becoming self-aware, and information about items that have recently been updated.
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Resources e-letter 16:2 - April 2016
There is news of two new sets of Training Notes. TN92, How genuine are your GORs?, examines the exemptions for employing Christians in the Employment Act 2010 and TN93, And now for the notices, shows you how to give out spoken notices in services.
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Resources e-letter 16:1 - February 2016
Here is news of a major new Article in two parts. A36 & A37, Sorting out the study, are designed primarily for Ministers working from home but the principles can be applied just as well to all church and mission staff working from home or office base.
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Resources e-letter 15:6 - December 2015
Two new sets of Training Notes are profiled in this issue. TN90, Put someone in charge, argues the case for giving certain church members responsibility for wide areas of ministry. TN91, An MOT for disciples of Jesus, take the idea of review or appraisal and applies it to us all as disciples.
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Resources e-letter 15:5 - October 2015
The main item this time is news of the republished Christian Effectiveness Model. This is designed to measure effectiveness in a Christian mission agency or church enterprise. There is also a listing of resources on church business meetings and news of Administrator Area Training Days in November.
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Resources e-letter 15:4 - August 2015
Another two sets of Training Notes have been uploaded to the website. TN88 offers advice to everyone who serves on any church decision-making body: Advice to a new committee member. TN89 makes a plea for churches to engage confidently with their local media and shows you how to do this: Hold the front page!
Resources e-letter 15:3 - June 2015
Two new sets of Training Notes have just been uploaded to the website. TN86 is entitled Customer care for churches? and TN87, What to look for in your leaders. There is then a reminder about the various different indexes for all the resources on the site.

The review is so articulate, well written and well argued, John. Thank you.
Email from a consultancy project officer - June 2024